Playful Learning 2022 Minis

Pedagodzilla at Playful Learning Day 2: Jane Secker and Chris Morrison, their keynote copyright cabaret and waffles! (nearly unedited)

Pedagodzilla on Tour
Pedagodzilla on Tour
Pedagodzilla at Playful Learning Day 2: Jane Secker and Chris Morrison, their keynote copyright cabaret and waffles! (nearly unedited)

‘More unedited content?!’ I hear you cry. ‘Has the boy lost all pretence at quality?!’. Well partly that, but mainly this poor little laptop is just about up to connecting to the internet to upload mp3s. We’ll be home in a few days, with the chonky boi PC for some proper editing. And then you’ll see. You’ll all see…

We’re joined by Jane Secker and Chris Morrison as they give us the highlights of their fab day 2 keynote: Permission to play with copyright, including some honest to goodness live music. There’s also fire eating and some col trapeze work but heck this is all audio so you’ll just have to trust us. It was rad.

You can find more of Jane and Chris’s multimodal masterpieces over at the wonderfully appointed

An edited version of this will appear in the future. You mark my words. With all of my sneezes cut out.